Handmade knives that make a difference
Top-notch performance or low price? Here's our answer: Exceptional handmade knives at affordable prices. You don't have to settle for second best.
Our biggest knife deals - up to 40%+ savings
Holiday Sale: 20% off + Extra savings up to 30%! Discounts auto-applied in cart. Slice, dice, and save big!
Pick your trusty sidekick🤝
Hand Forged Chef Knife
Never compromise on quality
HDMD Knives are hand-forged with time-tested craftsmanship. We want you to have a knife that looks, feels, and works great at a fair price.
Camping meals
Bring gourmet camping cuisine to your next adventure in the great outdoors. From quick and easy meals to gourmet dishes, find your new go-to recipe here.
Knife skills
Cooking can be a joyful experience once you master the proper knife skills. Come learn from mincing and dicing to debone a whole chicken yourself.
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Early access to new arrivals, limited editions, and irresistible deals
Only the good stuff
We source the finest materials, keeping construction honest through traditional techniques with zero cuts on quality.
Made for the mission
Our task-ready knives are purpose-built for dicing, slicing and mincing - whatever your camp chow or kitchen grind.
Free shipping for friends
Spend over $49 and you'll get complete orders zooming to your door gratis. We take care of our folks.