How to Cut Passion Fruit

How to Cut Passion Fruit

Passion fruits are tropical fruits with crunchy seeds, juicy pulps and fragrant aromas that you’ll grow to love the moment you have them. You might confuse them for lemons and plums, but as soon as you cut them up you’ll know these delicious sweet-tart fruits are something else.

But how to cut a passion fruit and how do you eat one? This guide brings you the complete 101 on how to cut and eat passion fruits so that you can enjoy these delicious treats raw, in ice creams, jellies, jam, cocktails and more!

How to cut passion fruit?

The easiest way of cutting up a passion fruit is using a sharp knife to slice the top off. Next, you may or may not want to scoop out the seeds and proceed to savor the juicy pulp that’s inside.

What is passion fruit?

cut passion fruit

Passion fruits are a tropical fruity treat that has thick, waxy rinds that wrinkle when ripe. The fruits are round with yellowish or dark purple skins.

When cut, they are found to be full of crunchy seeds as well as juicy pulps. These exotic fruits also have a unique fragrant aroma that makes devouring them even more pleasurable.

The fruit is native to Southern Brazil. However, it is also found in parts of South America in late summers.

How to pick a passion fruit

Picking passion fruit

There are many varieties of passion fruits. However, here are some helpful tips to watch out for when choosing any of the various passion fruits:

  • Choose passion fruits that feel heavier as compared to their size. Fruits that are heavier than their visible size hoard extra juice and pulp in them, so pick up the heaviest ones when shopping for passion fruits.
  • Also, you should select a passion fruit that is moist and plump. Dry or dehydrated passion fruits won’t bear a good amount of juice and/or pulp.
  • Wrinkled passion fruits mean they are ripe. This is why you shouldn’t hesitate choosing wrinkled passion fruits. However, avoid ones that are discolored, bruised, or have green spots.

When are they in season?

Passion fruits are available almost all year round. However, they are found more abundantly in the warmer, summer months since they are a tropical fruit. The main growing season for these fruits starts from early summer and continues through the winter season.

How to cut passion fruit


The passion fruit is a delicious fruit to eat. However, one might get confused on how to cut and eat it due to its tough outer exterior. First thing first, here are the tools you need:

Tools needed

Step by step instructions

Step 1.  Wash the fruit thoroughly

Begin by washing the passion fruits thoroughly to get rid of any germs, pesticides or preservatives that might be on them. Even though the skin of the passion fruits are not eaten, it is best to wash them to avoid getting any impurities on the inside through your hands or knife.

Step 2.  Tap the bottom

tap the bottom of passion fruit

Gently tap the bottom of the passion fruit on your cutting board. By doing this you are pushing the seeds & juice downward, preventing it from spilling out during the next step. 

Step 3.  Slice the top off

slice the top off the passion fruit

Next, use a sharp knife and place it in your dominant hand. Begin by cutting the top off of the passion fruit. The top must be cut in a way that is deep enough to cut through the seeds, but not much deeper than the skin.

This way, you can save the seeds and the pulp for eating.

Step 4.  Scoop out the seed

scoop the seeds out of the passion fruit

Hold the sharp knife in your dominant hand whilst holding the passion fruit in your non-dominant one. Slice down the passion fruit in half from the top all the way to the bottom. Move your knife in a back and forth motion to cut through the tough exterior.

Step 5.  Drain the seeds (optional)

If you don’t want to eat the seeds or are making something out of seedless passion fruit, you can simply drain them out. This is however an optional step. To drain the seeds, simply use a sieve and place it over a bowl. Empty out the pulp and seeds of the passion fruit.

To release the pulp from the seeds, use a spoon to press on the pulp and seeds. This will allow the juices to be released from the seeds into the bowl.

This is how you can cut and eat a passion fruit. However, there’s a cleverer, easier way of cutting and devouring this delectable treat:

How to eat passion fruit

There are so many ways you can devour this tasty, pulpy treat. We have listed down some of the ways for your ease:

Passion fruit pulp and seeds

The first way of eating this delicious treat is simply devouring the entire pulp with the seeds. You can do this by simply following the above two methods that we have shared on how to cut a passion fruit.

To enjoy it more whilst curbing the tartness, you may want to sprinkle some sugar or add cream.

Passion fruit juice

Passion fruit juice

Another way of eating a passion fruit is by consuming it in the form of a juice. Simply follow the instructions on how to cut a passion fruit, particularly step 4.

You may drink the juice on its own by mixing it with water and sugar, and serving it with lots of ice. Or, add it to a smoothie according to your preference.

Passion fruit coulis

A coulis is a sauce or puree that is made from strained vegetables or fruits. The passion fruit coulis is made similar to its nectar, but without the rind. The passion fruit coulis is perfect for adding just the right tang over ice creams, cheese cakes, and pavlova.

Get the recipe to a delicious fruit coulis here.

Health benefits of eating passion fruits

Passion fruits are not only delicious, but they are also really healthy for you. Here are some of the health benefits that come with eating passion fruits:

  • They are rich in antioxidants that help improve blood flow and reduce harmful free radicals, inflammation and even cellular stress in the body.
  • They are also a good source of fiber which helps in keeping your gut healthy, prevent constipation, as well as disorders of the bowel.
  • Passion fruits are also full of Vitamin C which improves the immune system as well as helps to fight off bodily infections.
  • Passion fruits also contain healthy potassium and fiber which support heart health.
  • Lastly, passion fruits can also help manage anxiety levels since they contain magnesium, a mineral that helps alleviate anxiety and stress.

How to store passion fruit

Here are the ways you can store passion fruits:

  • You can store a whole passion fruit (unripe) in the fruit bowl at room temperature for up to two weeks.
  • Ripe passion fruits can only be stored for up to 24 hours at room temperature. For longer storage, place it in the fridge.
  • You can keep them in the fridge after sealing them in plastic or containers to avoid dehydration.
  • Cut fruits can also be kept in the fridge for about a week. For storing pulps, simply refrigerate it and it will last you six months!


Can you cut and eat the rind/skin of the passion fruit?

No, the skin of the passion fruit is tough and considered inedible. However, you may use it when making passion fruit nectars and other similar recipes.

Are passion fruit seeds edible and digestible?

Yes, passion fruit seeds are both edible and digestible. The seeds are crunchy when eaten and often have sour to sweet flavors.

We hope that by now, you are well-versed in cutting and eating passion fruits. Enjoy these tropical delicacies and avail their many health benefits now!

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